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Mother, Like This How to Train Discipline in Children Early

Will your child cry when they don't get what they want, or when they are banned from playing gadgets for too long? Mother and Father, maybe this is the right time to apply discipline to the Little One. Not only teaches your child about the things that can and should not be done, but more than that, discipline also means educating children to follow and respect applicable regulations. Disciplining children is an important form of parenting for parents.

Applying Discipline to Children

Applying discipline in children is useful to train how to control emotions and make good choices for himself. Mother and Father can apply discipline to children as early as possible you know. However, the method must be adjusted to his age, yes. For children over the age of 6, there are a number of fun ways Mother and Father can do to practice discipline for your child, such as:
  • Discuss the rules that will be applied

  • Before talking about the rules at home with other family members, Mother can talk to Little One first. Explain to him the rules at home, such as cleaning toys, making the bed, and not crying when you don't get what you want. Then ask if he objected to it, and what rules or consequences are appropriate for the Little One. Listen to his opinions carefully. Discuss this in a comfortable place so that children feel relaxed, for example in a room or playground.
  • Discuss the rules with the family

  • After the child agrees to obey the rules, discuss this with other family members. Then, ask other family members to propose suggestions about the rules that have been made. After all family members are willing to keep the rules, write the rules on a piece of paper. Give the paper to Little One to decorate it as Little Child wishes and let him determine where to stick it.
  • Decisive on the consequences given

  • When Little, makes a mistake or violates applicable regulations, let him accept the consequences. It is not easy indeed for parents to see Little sad. However, this is beneficial so that Little can change the attitude that is not good.
  • Give a gift

  • Give a surprise to the child in the form of a gift at a time. This will make him feel that what he has been doing is not in vain. It does not need to be expensive, as long as it is able to understand the concept of discipline well lived, it will produce good results too. Over time the Little One will get used to and feel happy to apply the rules that apply anytime and anywhere.

Things to Look For When Implementing Discipline

Before applying discipline to children, there are several things that need to be considered by parents, namely:
  • Be consistent

  • Consistency is the most important thing in applying discipline to children. Try to be consistent with the agreed upon rules. Strive for Mother and Father to give the same rules, so that he is not confused and feels awry.
  • So a good example

  • Try to always be a good example for children. Because Little will imitate behavior more than words that Mother convey.
  • Give appreciation

  • Say words of appreciation when he managed to do a good job, such as "Thank you, brother, today I was able to clean the bed". Mother can also deliver sentences that inspire him, when he is trying to do his work. For example, "Your sister is very kind to help you wash the dishes after eating".
Remember, when children make mistakes, it is not an exaggeration. Children's mistakes are a process to make them better. Encourage your child to discuss the mistakes made and their consequences. Then offer a solution that he can apply to improve the situation, and so that the error does not recur. Another thing that Mother and Father need to remember in applying discipline is that the child's behavior will not change in a short time. It takes a lot of patience when trying to apply discipline to children. But, don't be discouraged, Mother and Father. If necessary, consult a psychologist about how to apply discipline that is appropriate for your child.
